Blog: Working Out in Hot Weather


People who want to exercise in the summer may find the heat to be a significant deterrent. If you’re not careful, you could develop a heat-related illness like a heat stroke, heat exhaustion, or severe dehydration, all of which can seriously hinder your efforts to reach your fitness goals.


Thankfully, we have some advice to help you exercise safely even on the hottest summer days.


Take the RIGHT fluids to stay hydrated.

On a hot day, water is your greatest friend for staying hydrated. If you’re going to workout for longer than 60 minutes, though, you might want to think about sipping on a sports drink.


When exercising for an extended period of time, especially in the heat, sports drinks are crucial because they include potassium and electrolytes that may rehydrate and replenish your body. Since sodium is a crucial component of a hot day, the high levels of sodium may actually be beneficial for your body.


The key to everything is moderation.


Remember to use sunscreen.

Nothing is worse than attempting a summer workout while suffering from a terrible sunburn that makes it difficult to move. Apply sunscreen liberally to prevent getting burned. Choose a sunscreen that is water-proof and has an SPF of at least 50 to ensure that it won’t wash off once you start to perspire.


Timing is crucial.

The warmest part of the day during the summer is often between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Try to exercise outside before or after this period if you’re planning to do so.


Since it can help them sleep better and stay motivated throughout the day, many athletes choose to exercise in the morning.




Bring it inside

There is nothing wrong with working out indoors at your neighborhood gym or, if you have the necessary equipment, even at home. This may be your greatest option to stay cool and prevent a heat-related injury while still getting in your workout on days when there is an excessive heat warning.


Know your limitations

Pay attention to your body, and if you start to feel weary, queasy, or lightheaded, take a rest. It’s better to take a little break for relaxation than to push yourself too hard, risk becoming sick or hurt, and then have to stop exercising entirely.


If your typical high-intensity workout is too difficult in the summer heat, split it up into several smaller workouts throughout the day. This will allow you to rest your body.


Take the RIGHT fluids to stay hydrated.

On a hot day, water is your greatest friend for staying hydrated. If you’re going to workout for longer than 60 minutes, though, you might want to think about sipping on a sports drink.


When exercising for an extended period of time, especially in the heat, sports drinks are crucial because they include potassium and electrolytes that may rehydrate and replenish your body. Since sodium is a crucial component of a hot day, the high levels of sodium may actually be beneficial for your body.


The key to everything is moderation.


Wear lightweight attire

Bright colors are preferable since they reflect sunlight and serve to increase your visibility to incoming traffic. Cotton is an inexpensive, lightweight textile that may keep you dry.


To prevent sweating, choose sweat-wicking shirts and shorts if you’re ready to spend a little more spread out your daily workouts into smaller ones. This will provide your body the chance to recharge without compromising your fitness and workout objectives.


This summer, have fun, stay cool, and stay safe.