- N11 Treadmill: High-performance treadmill with incline options for endurance and speed training, with a smart screen with built-in applications such as Netflix, Youtube, Spotify etc.
- A99 Rower: Full-body, low-impact cardio workout with smooth resistance
- Ski Erg: Upper body and core strength training with ski-inspired motions
- Gym Sled: Enhance power, agility, and explosive strength with resistance pushes
- 20kg Rubber Bumper Plate: Upgrade your sled push to the next level by adding weight of 20kg / 44 lb
- Battle Rope (9m / 30 ft): Boost coordination, endurance, and intensity with HIIT workouts
- 10kg Power Weight Bag: Versatile tool for dynamic lifts and functional training
- 10kg Wall Ball: Ideal for explosive strength and coordination exercises
- Save Over 5%: Ireland’s best price on essential Hyrox training equipment